Who We Certify

Residency Graduates from the U.S.

To be eligible for board certification in otolaryngology-head and neck surgery, a physician must successfully complete specialized training in an ACGME-accredited residency program. All requirements (updated annually) in the ABOHNS Booklet of Information must be met by exam candidates. The ABOHNS does not recognize training for board certification from ACGME-International accredited programs.

For general information about the certification process, see Our Assessment Programs. If you are a prospective otolaryngologist-head and neck surgeon seeking specific details about requirements, please log into your ABOHNS Physician Portal to access the Booklet of Information or contact ABOHNS at 713-850-0399.  

International Physicians

Canadian Physicians

A pathway to ABOHNS board certification for Canadian physicians was reopened in 2020. The details are described in the ABOHNS policy addressing candidacy for those who complete Royal College accredited residency training in Canada (Canadian Policy).

To begin the application process, all Canadian physicians must complete a short online pre-approval form to ensure their eligibility. Pre-approved physicians will then be invited to complete the full application. The pre-approval form is available each year beginning in February through April.

Other International Physicians

The ABOHNS has a pathway to board certification for physicians who have graduated from otolaryngology programs outside the U.S. and Canada. The requirements are described in the ABOHNS Specially Qualified Pathway Policy.